Monday, October 22, 2007

Seven Seals

The seven seals is a concept found in the Book of Revelation in the Bible which states that when the world reaches its end, seven seals will be opened. A book with seven seals is first mentioned in chapter 5, verse 1. In chapter 6, the first six seals are opened by The Lamb(Jesus Christ), one by one. Chapter 8 starts with the opening of the seventh seal.

These seals contain symbols of death, famine, world wars, martyrdom, earthquakes, and the Antichrist. It also states that there will be seven trumpets announcing aspects of "The End Times": mankind being judged, seas turning to blood, water turning to blood, sores on people's bodies, plagues, infertility, and the introduction of "the seven bowls of life." These bowls are a third each of the sea, humankind, water, animal life, ships, crops, and earth, all engulfed by an infinite abyss.