Saturday, August 16, 2008

Blah de blah....revisited sober:

In 100 (or 1000 even) years from now, Yotube will probably not exist and this blog will probably not either, and this probably will not be discovered by someone mooching around out there who might have similar interests. Blogger will decide to charge people to keep their blogs up or someone will complain about an image I posted and I won't be able to remove it because I'll be dead and gone and this will be removed or possibly be a blank void! Already, I look back on this blog and all the Yotube videos that are no longer available. Some I've relocated and re-posted but they may well be removed soon enough! It's a bit sad as there was a bit of anarchy there when you could post anything on Yotube but every time you see a video that's been removed it's a feeling of scarecrows! You just get a ghost frame of what was once there. But nevertheless, I will press on with this personal archive, a bit like Warhol's Time Capsules (although lets not compare ourselves to the great one, god forbid), and BTW someone else always gets there first, so sorry Wolfgang. Yeah, I was in a gang once, Wolfgang, and let me tell you he fucking loved it! No, I'm not gay, that is a joke! I am totally asexual!

I do apologize for any lacking videos, we tried, they're winning, but I do hope that anyone who has posted stuff on Yotube before the Google take over, realizes, to keep all that great stuff up, that's not their own personal videos, as that treasure chest of goodies will otherwise be lost.

Lastly, I promised not to blog anything when under the influence of alcohol again! Ever!

Famous last words!

And if the text is in a weird place i dunno? It used to automatically align itself under the image but i guess i pushed a button or something....

Talk to the engineer! No sorry, talk to the hand!